Tuesday 26 April 2011

Wow !! +54 pts Profit From The Racing Profits Free Selections Weekend Last Weekend !!!

Well I hope you got my email last week, before I flew out to Australia telling you that my stablemate Kevin O'Malley had offered to put up Free Tips on the Racing Profits website over 3 weekends while I am away for my well earned break.

Over the years of knowing Kev he has proven that not only is his knowledge of Irish Racing superb but his selections are pretty spot on in UK Racing too. He proved it last weekend with his Free Selections landing a nice +54 pts profit over Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Yes you read that right +54 pts profit from 3 days back bets - and all for FREE !!!

I brought my laptop with me to Oz and it was a great feeling to see what a great job Kev was doing last weekend.

This is exactly why we set up Racing Profits in the first place, to share what we have learnt over the years with others and help them make money from betting on UK Horse Racing. I thought I would send out a quick email to remind everyone to check in this weekend again on Racing Profits for more of his fantastic free tips.

Don't miss out on the best free tips in the country and start building your bank up this weekend.

Kind Regards,


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